Threatened Species Day 2018

October 7th 2018 Threatened Species Day. Each year this day is held to encourage the community to help conserve Australia’s native flora and fauna and take action to prevent further extinctions by restoring healthy numbers of endangered species in the community.
At GWLAP we are well aware of the work that needs to be done to secure the future of our local threatened species. Sometimes it is important to recognise what we have have already achieved. This Threatened Species Day we look back on some of the work GWLAP undertakes to secure the future of threatened species in our area.
GWLAP bushland restoration projects have lead to the discovery, preservation, management and seed banking of numerous national and state rated flora species such as the critically endangered Hibbertia tenuis, Hibbertia hirsuta and the state vulnerable Brachyscome graminae and encouraged many landholders to enter into discussions with DEW to heritage list their bushland blocks so they are protected in perpetuity.
Hibbertia tenuis
Brachyscome graminae – and Ben Simon collecting seeds of Brachyscome graminae
Significant on-ground works have been achieved in the conservation and management of grassy ecosystems, with numerous areas of EPBC listed critically endangered Peppermint Box (Eucalyptus odorata) Grassy Woodland of South Australia and Iron-grass Natural Temperate Grassland of South Australia protected and managed through fencing and weed control via various related funding streams. Significant input was also provided towards the extent mapping of these ecological communities and in the development of recovery plans for these plant communities.
Eucalyptus odorata very low woodland over Acacia rupicola
GWLAP has been involved on the SAMDB Threatened Flora Recovery Team for many years (at least 10-12) and added to regional records through discovery of unknown substantial populations of threatened species such as Olearia pannosa subsp. pannosa and have contributed significantly to the Allocasuarina robusta and Eucalyptus paludicola recovery team and on-ground objectives.
Olearia pannosa ssp. pannosa – Goolwa
GWLAP works with landholders throughout the area to get to know the native species on their properties and help them to manage and strengthen the populations of endangered and vulnerable plants.

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