Another financial year is done and dusted. We felt very fortunate to share our AGM with a great bunch of LAP supporters, board and staff.
Our speaker, Kathy Hayter shared her experiences of being a landholder in the CLLMM Community Revegetation Project and the enjoyment she has received from watching her ‘block’ transform from a bare landscape to full of life.
Kathy has made a couple of videos from her own amazing photography and they are a wonderful celebration of the life that has returned to her block through revegetation. You can see these videos below.
Video 1. – Transformation of a block at Finniss through Revegetation
The Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth Recovery Project is funded by the South Australian Government’s Murray Futures Program and the Australian Government.
The other part of Kathy’s talk was about the Resilient Hills and Coasts Climate Change Adaptation Plan – an interesting and challenging process to plan for the future.
At the end of the night we enjoyed an old-school supper of sandwiches, slices and scones provided by the Uniting Church ladies – they do the best catering – yum!