Official Opening of the Point Sturt Landcare Reserve

Point Sturt Reserve

Official Opening of the Point Sturt Landcare Reserve
On Sunday 23rd September, the Point Sturt and Districts Landcare Group officially opened the Point Sturt and District Landcare Reserve. Over 80 people enjoyed a guided walking tour of the reserve before the officialy opening.

The reserve itself looked amazing – the result of 6 years of revegetation with a diverse range of local native species through the Coorong Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth Community Revegeation Project.

Anne Hartnett and Alan King spoke about how the reserve has been established through strong partnerships between the Landcare Group, Alexandrina Council and Goolwa to Wellington Local Action Planning Association. They also celebrated the amazing achievement of transforming an underutlised, weed infested, water reserve into a native plant wonderland.

Keith Parkes, Mayor of Alexandrina Council then officially opened the reserve by cutting a ribbon and unveiling the new sign. The reserve is now open to the public and over time will become an excellent representation of the vegetation of Point Sturt before European settlers.

The Point Sturt and Districts Landcare Group has been operating for the past 27 years. The group is now moving to a new stage, evolving into the ‘Friends of Point Sturt Landcare Reserve’. Interested members of the community are invited to be involved in this new group.

The Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth Recovery Project is funded by the South Australian Government’s Murray Futures program and the Australian Government.

Photo – Bruce Allnutt, Keith Parkes, Anne Hartnett and Chris Bagley.

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