Our place project links schools, community groups and special places
Goolwa to Wellington LAP were excited to launch their new Our Place Program this week. The program links school students with local special places and the volunteer community groups that care for them. The project aims to give students a special connection with a local natural place, as well as the knowledge and skills to […]
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Thank you to retiring GWLAP board members
At the Goolwa to Wellington LAP AGM last month, two of our board members, Chris Bagley and Gerry Thompson decided to stand down from their positions on the Goolwa to Wellington LAP Board of Management. Gerry Thompson has been a member of the GWLAP Board since 2012. During this time he has provided links with […]
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Looking at alternatives to chemical weed control
Last week, Ben and Sherie took a group of interested landholders on a tour of properties where weeds have been treated using non-traditional weed control methods. The tour included sites where GWLAP has undertaken trials through an Agriculture and Fishing Innovation Grant from the South Australian Murray-Darling Basin NRM Board. Firstly, the group visited Temple Bruer […]
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Open day at Tolderol Reserve celebrated the return of water, and birds!
On Wednesday 2nd September, more than 30 people attended an open day at the Tolderol Game Reserve Wetlands to celebrate the upcoming watering of the wetland and the anticipated arrival of thousands of water birds. Tolderol wetlands are located about 3 km east of Langhorne Creek. The wetland is an artificial system constructed in the 1960s by a group of people interested in […]
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5 tips for taking exceptional photos of birds
Last week John Gitsham from GWLAP shared his tips and tricks for photographing birds at a workshop at the Strathalbyn Natural Resource Centre. John’s had a long and varied career in photography and has an eye for a well composed picture. John shares photographs of birds on his ‘Bird Nerds‘ Facebook page – well worth following […]
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Celebrating Partnerships through Planting – NRM Greenday!
Goolwa to Wellington Local Action Planning Association, Natural Resources, SA Murray Darling Basin and the District Council of Mt Barker all work to improve our local environment. We share concerns, seek advice from each other and collaborate on projects. This week we celebrated this by planting trees together. On Wednesday 26th August, approximately 30 staff […]
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GWLAP seeking expressions of interest for on-ground works
If you are a landholder interested in undertaking on-ground works, GWLAP would like to hear from you! We are currently putting together funding bids for 2016/17, the information you provide will help us build projects that best help landholders undertake sustainable projects on their properties. The types of projects we have previously been able to support include: revegetation […]
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Prospect Hill Bushland Group catch Swamp Rats on camera
Goolwa to Wellington LAP provided the Prospect Hill Bushland Group with a number of wildlife cameras to help them gain some footage of the wildlife living in their bush, and add to their knowledge of the area. They have managed to catch some local Swamp Rats going about their business, fossicking around in some soursob – […]
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Community Revegetation Program helping local Community Groups
There are so many good things about the Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth (CLLMM) Community Revegetation Program – the restoration of important ecosystems, volunteer involvement, building resilience, and propagation of local native species are a few of them. Another good thing about the project is the support it provides for local community groups. Since […]
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Welcome to our new website!
As you can see, GWLAP has gone live with a fancy new website. It has been a long time in the making, but now that it is here we will be making the most of it! When things don’t quite go to plan… We first ventured down the path of upgrading our website late last […]
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