Join local expert Tim Prance in the paddock to look at different trial plots, get involved in assessing pasture composition, and a broad discussion including:
- costs and benefits
- dry matter production
- grazing management
- cereal potential
- feed quality
- soil health
The trial aims to assess costs and benefits of sowing a mix of annual species including a dominant cereal into living perennial pasture. This was done without tillage or herbicide. The idea is to provide additional grazing potential as well as the option of taking a cereal crop off if conditions allow.
11 different species have been sown in trial plots both individually and together. A range of different fertiliser treatments have also been applied across the plots. Some larger areas have also been sown in a similar manner.
Tim Prance will facilitate the day and lead discussions. Tim is a highly experienced consultant in the Fleurieu region and is assisting and advising Woodlands Run to undertake the trials.
Please RSVP by Friday 18th September to Tom Bradman at [email protected] or 0412 500 022.
Join local expert Tim Prance in the paddock to look at different trial plots, get involved in assessing pasture composition, and a broad discussion including: costs and benefits dry matter production grazing management cereal potential feed quality soil health The trial aims to assess costs and benefits of sowing a mix of annual species including […]
Woodlands Run [email protected]