Come and try bushcare

Trees for Life Logo

Alexandrina/Victor Harbor Region

This area contains some of the most biologically diverse remnants of native vegetation in the region.

Practical steps are being taken by Bush for Life volunteers to protect and restore these precious sites.

Spend a day with Bush for Life to see what it is all about  – a practical day in the bush.

Bookings essential – Call 8406 0500 or email [email protected].

2015-08-23 00:00 2015-08-23 00:00 Australia/Adelaide Come and try bushcare

Alexandrina/Victor Harbor Region This area contains some of the most biologically diverse remnants of native vegetation in the region. Practical steps are being taken by Bush for Life volunteers to protect and restore these precious sites. Spend a day with Bush for Life to see what it is all about  – a practical day in […]

Finniss [email protected]