EPA Water quality monitoring

Document cover

Coorong Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth (CLLMM) Murray Futures Program

The EPA conducted a water quality monitoring program (on behalf of the Department of Environment Water and Natural Resources) between 2009-2016 as part of the Coorong Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth (CLLMM) Murray Futures Program.

The program began as a response to the Millennium Drought and continued on into the recovery phase after water flows returned to the river and Lower Lakes region.

This report provides a summary of the monitoring program, synthesising previously published data and new results. It outlines how the use of the data and knowledge gathered helped to inform management decisions across the region during the program. Also included are recommendations for future water quality monitoring to help inform decision makers about suitable management responses aimed to help protect environmental, cultural, soical and economic values across this important region of the state and the Murray-Darling Basin.


Dyland Stone, Karyn Bradford, Regina Durbridge

Dylan Stone from the EPA delivering copies of the report to Karyn Bradford and Regina Durbridge

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