Volunteers changing the view from the freeway - GWLAP

Volunteers changing the view from the freeway

Jakem Farm from the freeway

Jakem farm is a 4WD park situated on a series of bald hills next to the freeway near Callington – but not for much longer! It will soon be a Eucalyptus odorata  grassy woodland – a nationally threatened vegetation community.

Jakem farm and a neighbouring property make up a 130Ha site that is being revegetated under Goolwa to Wellington LAP’s 20 Million Trees projects. The properties are located on the South Eastern Freeway between Callington and Mount Barker and the site really stands out as you drive towards Adelaide.

Over 130,000 plants will be established on this by September 2018 through a combination of direct seeding and tubestock plantings.

Volunteers plant over 3000 seedlings

Over the past month, 3 planting days have been held at Jakem Farm where 77 volunteers have worked to plant over 4000 seedlings of 20 different species at the site.

Weekend volunteers converged on Jakem Farm on the 8th and 9th July to help plant seedlings, enjoy the location and share a BBQ lunch. The event was so popular that Jakem Farm and GWLAP are offering another opportunity for people to get involved.

Next planting day – 5th August – Plant some trees, come back for Free! – Come Saturday the 5th top plant get a free sausage sizzle and day pass to come back and enjoy the park.






Special thanks go to the property owners who have allowed this project to go ahead on their land, the nurseries who grew the seedlings – Ngarridjeri Regional Authority Nursery, Milang Community Nursery and Creation Care – and especially to all volunteer planters!

This project is supported through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Programme.


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