It's time to test your soil acidity! - GWLAP

It’s time to test your soil acidity!

What is this project about?

Acidic soils affect pasture and livestock health and increase the occurrence of weeds and bare soil in your paddock. Soil acidity is an important land and soil management issue in the Mount Lofty
Ranges with over 400,000 Ha of land affected. Soil acidity can often be an underlying issue decreasing productivity in the higher rainfall zones of the Eastern Mount Lofty Ranges. Soil acidity is the process of soils becoming increasingly acidic under agricultural land uses, resulting in

  • reduced profitability of farming enterprises, pasture production, soil health and function, and livestock health
  • increased weeds and risk of soil erosion.

The project aims to encourage landholders to test their soil pH and improve their understanding of the importance of managing soil acidity. This project will support landholders to test pH levels,
provide practical options to remediate acidic soils, and help start the conversation about soil health.

Who is eligible?

Landowners with 10 acres or more in the targeted area of the Eastern Mount Lofty Ranges.

How can I be involved?

  1. Register your interest by contacting Jacqui Wilson on 0400 036 843 or jacqui.wilson@gwlap.org.au
  2. After registering you will receive instructions in the mail along with your soil acidity kit.
  3. Test locations on your property
  4. Complete the online data sheet or complete the hard copy data sheet provided and submit as per instructions.

What to do next

We can help remediate soil acidity by providing the tools and practical information for landholders, resulting in fewer weeds and improved livestock health. In addition, the soil acidity information collected by participants will enable us to gain a better understanding of the extent of the issue in our region.

It is important to maintain a good soil pH as it will sustain the health of the soil and the broader landscape.

A range of fact sheets are available on the Natural Resources, SA Murray-Darling Basin website including a video on how to test your soils.

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