Alexandrina Community Nursery News - GWLAP

Alexandrina Community Nursery News

tubs of underwater plants

The team at the Alexandrina Community Nursery have been growing something different over the last nine months.

Vallisneria australis (Ribbon-weed) is an aquatic plant that has been raised at the nursery as part of a trial by the Murraylands and Riverland Landscape Board.

The native Ribon-weed has been grown underwater on jute matting to make it easy to transport and plant into freshwater sites that have been set up to support a range of local native fish.

This week, the team was excited to see some of the healthy Vallisneria australis head out into the field. Students at Urrbrae installed the established mats of Ribbon-weed into their wetland under the guidance of Sylvia from Aquasave Nature Glenelg Trust. The plants will provide refuge for critically endangered Purple Spotted Gudgeons that have been raised as part of a vital breeding program.

Other Ribbon-weed mats have also been placed in a dam at Mosquito Hill, a refuge for the Yarra Pygmy Perch.

Growing these underwater plants has been a great experience and a conversation-starter with nursery customers.

Thanks to Kate, Sam, Corey, Will, the GWLAP works crew and Nursery volunteers for their contribution to this exciting and important project.

Vallisneria australis (Ribbon-weed) growing on jute mats at Alexandrina Community Nursery

Students at Urrbrae installing mats of Ribbon-weed as habitat for Purple Spotted Gudgeon

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